DigniTEA amongst the Trees

By Jennifer Monk

I'm hosting a DigniTea!

I'm hosting a DigniTea to raise funds needed to support women and girls doing it tough.

DigniTea is a perfect way to come together and celebrate for a great cause. All funds raised will go to Share the Dignity to assist their work in ending period poverty and erasing the shame and stigma around menstruation. Any support you can give will help ensure that women have the dignity they deserve. Together we have the power to change the world.

Share the Dignity

Share the Dignity works to make a real, on the ground difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness, fleeing domestic violence, or doing it tough. They distribute period products to those in need and work to end period poverty here in Australia.

When someone is doing it tough, the last thing on their mind should be dealing with their period.

They assist those in need by collecting thousands of period products each year through collection drives and campaigns and distribute them directly to charities across Australia.

My Updates


Tuesday 21st May
I was over the moon with the support and generosity from the women who game to my fundraiser event on the weekend. The heavens opened up which meant we could no longer be amongst the trees with our tea, but that didn't stop us! My lovely mother opened up her house and we all moved location and had a cozy time in the warmth together. Over 20 of us shared afternoon tea, stories and laughs. It was a good chance to catch up with people as well as raise money for a fantastic cause. I also had my laptop set up so the ladies could do the Bloody Big Survey while eating a sausage roll and cake! I was grateful to my friends who donated prizes for the lottery and that everyone participated in the 'guess the jelly beans' game. The Share the Dignity resources are super fun, especially the tea bags which I made this year! There were people who could not attend the event who still donated, which was amazing!!!! So drum roll please.... My goal this year was to reach $500, and I am delighted to announce that with the online donations and cash on the day that was put in the 'money jar' we raised a total of $743!!!!!!!!!!
The Bloody Big Survey is open till May 31st, so if you have a spare 3 minutes, please click the link below and show your support to end Period Poverty!



Saturday 18th May
I am very grateful to those who are donating even though they can not come to the event tomorrow. Thank you to Sophie, Kristen, Karina and Jules! I'm feeling the love and support! Most importantly feeling fortunate and grateful that I am in a position where I can afford sanitary items. In my late 20s/early 30s sometimes I struggled to make ends meet, and I would have to buy the home brand pads and tampons, and let's be honest they were horrible, but they were something. And then of course re using the overnight pads when I could. But I was still able to get something and when I couldn't afford even the cheap ones, mum would often send me home after a weekend visit with a care package that included pads and tampons. I was spending about $30 a month on period products, and sometimes that just wasn't in my budget. My heart aches for those women who can't even afford the cheaper brands or has someone in the life like my Mum. who can .

Sanitary items should not be seen as 'deluxe items', they are a necessity. And until the world can unite on this issue I believe we will remain in state of period poverty. Thank goodness for Share the Dignity who are working with hundreds of organizations to get sanitary items delivered to women in need and free dispensaries in schools, hospitals and other community like minded centres.

I understand not everyone is in a position to donate money, but there is another way you can show your support... Check out this page by Share the Dignity and take part in the BLOODY BIG SURVEY that is open NOW till MAY 31st!

Period Pride

We're working to end the shame and stigma that surrounds periods


Last Year

Tuesday 16th Apr
Last year I worked together with Girls Act Good to host my first DigniTEA event and we raised $368.17. This year I am aiming for $500!


Tuesday 16th Apr

Growing up I HATED getting my period! I remember the day when I walked home from school and I showed my mum the brown stained undies hoping it wasn't what I thought it was. She looked at me, smiled and said congratulations. I WANTED TO BE SICK! I was so angry, embarrassed and I cried, I did NOT want to have my period. I wasn't the first in my friendship group to get their period or the last, but we didn't really talk about it either. You might have told your bestie the day you had swimming sports to keep an eye out when you were getting in and out of the poo for traces of blood, but that was about it. I remember in the early days I even had my mum make a special pocket in my school dress to hide the pads for when I had to go to the toilet to change my pad. But it wasn't just a secret pocket, there was also a hanky that was sewn to carry the pad that then was hidden in my secret dress pocket. It was a WHOLE game hide and seek the pad!

In my later teens, us girls started to open up and talk about our periods not in depth, but spoke about brands, and whether we used tampons or pads, it was life changing when a friend told me about the tampons with applicators!!!! Yes, finally I could figure out how to use tampons without it hurting. But my teenage periods were HEAVY! I would wear a super tampon and pad and still have to change every hour, as it would be gushing through to my second pair or period undies. It was a talent having to find excuses to go to the toilet AGAIN in class without getting in trouble with teachers or your fellow peers being suspicious.

It really wasn't until my late 20s and 30s that me and my friends (women and men) were open about periods; the pain, the blood, the hormones, and now in my 40s I am starting to look at Peri-menopause and I have the mariner. 

The thing is, this whole traumatic time of having a menstrual cycle is nothing compared to having a period without having access to period products.  I am lucky because I have never gone without a pad and/or tampon during my cycle. Growing up with 2 sisters, the bathroom cupboard and toilets were filled with them, and in my adult life I have never had to choose between food and period products. I AM LUCKY!!!

So, this is why I am hosting a DigniTEA event to raise awareness and funds for Share The Dignity, an amazing cause for a female human needs.

No one should be denied the right to have access to sanitary items for their health, dignity and wellness.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Women Who Attened My Dignitea


Dianne Fary

Very happy to donate to this cause. Well Jenn for hosting this fundraiser.


Jaime Harris

Sorry Jenn that I couldn’t make it!! It’s a great thing you are doing!!


Karina Hyland Preston

Great cause hope you raise lots of money xx




Kristen Lenehan


Jessica Mccarthy


Lauren Borthwick


Narelle Barling


Jennifer Monk