
By Christian Hull

Birthday Fundraiser

This year I'm celebrating my birthday a little bit differently to make it one to remember! Changing the lives of many women and girls.

I'm swapping gifts for donations to help fund Dignity Vending Machines. These are a world first innovation that provides free and dignified acess to period products.  Each donation will help fund period packs which restock these machines and ensure that women do not feel ashamed or embaressed when dealing with their period, or about needing to ask for help. 

I appreciate any support you are able to give because together we have the power to change the world.

If you would like to join me and make your birthday one to remember, register here: https://www.sharethedignity.org.au/get-involved/birthday-fundraiser


Share the Dignity

Share the Dignity works to make a real, on the ground difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness, fleeing domestic violence, or doing it tough. They distribute period products to those in need and work to end period poverty here in Australia.

When someone is doing it tough, the last thing on their mind should be dealing with their period.

They assist those in need by collecting thousands of period products each year through collection drives and campaigns and distribute them directly to charities across Australia.

My Updates


Friday 8th Jan
Thank you to these #BloodyLegends who have donated to my #ItsMyBloodyBirthday!




Christian Hull

I FUCKING LOVE SHARE THE DIGNITY! Let's end period poverty.


Davina Campbell

Congratulations, you are doing amazing work with this charity. Many females are going to benefit from your generosity.


Sarah Poppins

I wish this had been around when I was younger! What a ingenious idea to help girls and women who need it, get through this life a little easier. Kudos to you for your support of such an incentive and well done to the creators of the charity 🩸👏🏼 😘


Hannah Rattenbury

Share the Dignity is amazing! Love the collection drives. Great idea!




Krystal Moore

Happy Bloody Birthday Christian. Best birthday presents ever!


Wendy Ma


Nakinna Atkins


Jane Cunningham

A bloody great idea for your bloody awful birthday month. Love your work.


Jacquie Mills


Olivia Bell




Cathy Rolls

Happy Birthday!


Mrs Gabrielle Jenkins

Happy birthday from the UK!



This is a great idea!


Annette Magill

Fantastic cause! Kudos to you for bringing awareness to this issue ❤❤




Tanya Hennessy Pty Ltd

Love this and LOVE YOU!


Ash Garwood

happy birthday christian wistian xx love a+k


Allyse Podgorny

Happy Birthday. You're awesome!!





Happy birthday, gorgeous man xx



Awesome choice. Happy birthday!


Chrissy Macdonald

Such a great cause. Happy Birthday Christian


Coastal Soap Box

F**k Off


Alicen Miller



Woah, we're half way there Woah, livin' on a prayer Take my hand, we'll make it I swear Woah, livin' on a prayer



Christian, you are one helluva guy. I donate on behalf of women fleeing domestic violence hoping this lessens their embarrassment and humiliation that they are already feeling. I know, from experience, this one small thing will help these women start to feel a little bit more in control of their already shattered lives.


Savannah,kate,gai,jan And Blyth

This is for Savannah,Kate,Jan,Gai,Blyth who all have birthdays this month.Love you Christian and all you do.





You're such a bloody legend, love you so much!



You are too bloody much Christian! <insert> Also 2020 can get fucked and 2021 is on notice.


Jessica Kenny

Such a great cause. Donating in lieu of Xmas presents I didn't have to buy for my family.


Ben Turner

Happy birthday mate! One of the most generous people I know plus one of the toughest to buy for! Thanks for making it easy!


Yvette Whiteman


Danielle Rawlinson


Jessie Berry

Happy birthday christian and it's my partners brithday month too. Have a lovely 2021 love you.


Robbie Moseley

Happy Birthday from Texas! Thank you for helping the ladies!


Bec Saunders

Love this charity! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!



What a great way to celebrate your birthday!


John And Karen

Whishing you the Happiest Birthday,a wonderful year for 2021 all our love MUM and DAD



You’re an Aussie legend. Keep doing what you’re doing


Elizabeth Bowden

Thanks for your bloody champion efforts you ⭐️


Elly Ebel

Happy Birthday Month Christian. Am hoping my amount makes ya chuckle. 🥳💕


Louise Cruz

Christian, you are a bloody legend of a human. Happy f**king birthday and keep being awesome. ❤️


Christopher Olley

Love that you are doing your part to end period poverty. This is something men can help with as proven by you. Just wish more men would help out this great cause.


Grant Corin

What an amazing idea!! They have the best person to promote this too! Awesome work Christian 👌🏻👌🏻



HB Christian - love this idea


Juz M

It’s my 50th on Monday - Happy Birthday Month to us!


Tania O’brien

Happy Birthday!


Robyn Grattidge


Jess Greenwood


Melissa Gurney

I'm a January baby too ❤ this is an incredible way for all of us to kick start 2021 to help others.


Navelle Hosking-gavin




Happy F.O. birthday Christian! Thanks for supporting this great cause to end period property.



Happy Birthday! What an awesome idea and a great cause.


Rebecca Carlei

These items should be free!!! No woman should ever have to feel embarrassed or ashamed to ask for help when needing to get these products. Love what your doing for this cause!!




Kristina Cassidy

Happy Birthday Christian ❤️



Great incentive and thanks for the opportunity to help. Donating what I would have spent at my local coffee shop which is now closed for its annual holiday for 11 days



Happy Birthday!




Andie Andersen

This is definitely an issue that needs to be brought to the attention of everyone and you are doing a great job of it. Thank you Christian


Rachael Ridges


Anne Whitmore

Happy birthday to us🥳 What a generous and beautiful thing to do ❤️



Happy bday


Kelly Bennison


Emma D

Happy birthday month Christian! My mums birthday is the 7th! I think it’s beyond great that a single white male is now an ambassador for such an amazing foundation for women. You’re an inspiration!


Ally Creer

Great work Christian, keep it up!


Natalie Flynn

Happy Birthday Christian... may your year be full of plenty of Fuck offs x 🖕🏼💓💓



Happy birthday champion!



Happy birthday and fabulous initiative!


Joanne Hogan

Have a great Birthday 🙂


Lisa Beer

You’re a legend for doing this Christian.


Coby Dowie


Kelly Van Der Maat

Happy Birthday Christian, Brilliant charity, brilliant ambassador 💖🙌🦪



Thank you for being amazing and supporting this charity.


Teresa Satalich


Kirsty Skok


Kerryn Burgess

Hi Christian, thank you so much for doing this. You are a beautiful human & I love your work!!! January is my birthday month too.


Tania Hatcher

Happy Birthday. Love your support for this foundation


Nikki Tonkin


Actavia Heath

Happy birthday Christian


Emily Mcluskey

You're a great advocate for Share the Dignity, keep up the great work 👏


Jess C

Thank you!!! Best birthday gift idea!


Nicola C

Great idea - this is a present for my sister and daughter who share a birthday in Jan:)


Alice Bishop



Happy 21st Christian!! #nowfuckoff


My Little Bookshop

I’m half cut on New Years Day and I sooooo love this cause. Happy birthday and bloody good cheer for 2021


Mel S

Happy NOT Bday Christian. Love that this matters to you. You’re a good egg. xx


Keira S


Catherine Stacey Cunningham



Happy Birthday you magnificent creature 🦄 May you get all the eggplants you could ever wish for🍆😘


Stacey Harland



Jen & Tim Hull

We hope your birthday was bloody brilliant! Here’s a small donation to an awesome cause.


Amanda West

Hi Christian love that you are supporting such an awesome cause you are a gem of a human keep being awesome ❤️


Melinda-anne Watt

Happy bloody birthday matey! What a fabulous idea for birthday gifts, gifting gals in need! Love your work!


Abbie Grace

Love this idea and I love your support behind it!


Jennifer Cho

Happy Birthday Christian xx


Julieann Brumby


Mel Lang-griffin

Happy Birthday. I also HATE MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY. This is such an important cause and you are doing amazing things.


Julianna Ivanka

Happy Birthday Christian! I have followed and loved your work for years now. You never fail to bring a smile to my face, even on the days when it feels like nothing will. Thankyou for everything you do ❤️😊 So happy to support such an amazing cause!





Happy Birthday Christian ✨ thanks for making me smile each day! Since I’m pregnant, thought I would donate each month what I would usually spend on stuff 💜



I love your work Christian and love your humour.. My wish for you is that all your birthdays Fuck off so you remain forever 29!



You're a legend. Fuck your birthday, thanks for doing something awesome for women everywhere.




Matt Prigent


Lea Cheeseman

Happy Birthday!



Fantastic cause! Happy birthday!


Natalie Shannon


Jodi Davis


Becky Laurence

HBD - this is such a brilliant way to celebrate your day. Xxx



F.O. ❤


Pene Toose

Happy birthday, great idea!


Homemade Bliss

It’s always a pleasure to help women in need. Such a great cause!



Great cause. Fab way to celebrate your birthday :)




Mel C

Thank you! I love STD and wasn’t in a position to get a bag together last year like I normally do - fuck you covid. This makes up for it a little! Oh.. just read this back and maybe we should abbreviate Share The Dignity affectionately - awks. Go fuck yourself. x



Happy Fuck Off Birthday Christian! I too hate my day of birth. Let us fuck off together!!


Paula Iri


Poppy Wittkopp

Happy unbirthday! Love your work ❤️


Olivi Woodfall


Lauren Salter



Very merry Unbirthday To you!



Good on you Christian, your a legend 😊




Julie Furci

Happy Birthday legend ❤️


Kirsten Anderson


Sheila Andrews

I was 17 and worked at donut king I had no money at all, only my train ticket, and I unexpectedly got my period. I asked a woman in the toilets if she had a tampon and she looked at me with such disgust and scolded me - so this is a big FUCK OFF to her 🖕🏼- a great cause! Thank you ❤️ P.Stgrn I got fired from donut king so they can fuck off too ha ha


Julie Tipping

Congrats on supporting such a great cause. Oh, and happy bday!


Lesley Krause



Happy Birthday Christian!! What a fantastic way to celebrate.


Penny Nicholls




Excellent initiative Christian - its these sorts of things that don’t seem like they need to be thought of by the average Australian. Thankyou for raising awareness


Nyssa Uren



You are doing a wonderful thing much love xxx happy birthday


Leanne S

My birthday month too! you’re 21 with how many years experience??? What a terrific cause, more than happy to donate! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖



What a beautiful, selfless and aware fundraiser! Thank you Christian! Happy Birthday!



It’s my birthday 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


Jess Porter

Here’s to ending the feeling of embarrassment or shame on something that we have no control over! Even at 29 I find I still feel self conscious when purchasing pads and tampons. That feeling can just fuck off now!


Nicole Philips





Happy Birthday to my wife!



Fuk off.......This is such a great cause to be raising money towards Happy Birthday 🎉 🎁🍾🎊 to Christian you beautiful human much love ❤️


Helen Traine

From one "I hate attention for my birthday" advocate to another


Coralie Robbins

This is such a great cause. Thank you Christian, for supporting this charity and getting it's message out there!




Angelica Tusini


Kate Francis

Happy birthday to you and all the other awesome January birthdays!!!


Kay Henderson

Happy birthday to my Mum who is turning 93!!!!!! In January 🎈♥️


Amy Lundberg

Happy 21st Birthday. It’s my birthday on the 8th and I’m also turning turning 21 (that might be a lie😆). I’ve just shared your post on my page asking my friends and family to donate rather than get me a present. Keep up the great work 👍







Sas Grylls




Great work - thank you 🙏


Lee Shapcott

Thankyou for this - I will be donating on behalf of my friends who have birthdays in January - $5 is being donated for each of you lovely ladies Debra, Leanne, Emily, Sharon, Sue, Charz, Lee-Anne




Jo Nicol




Maree Gordon

To Christian, Happy birthday from another 6th of January baby. I hope you have a great day. I love this initiative, my motto is 'spread kindness like confetti'. I hope you have a great day on Wednesday.


Jacqui Cusack

Happy birthday. It’s hilarious what men don’t know about periods. Well done for talking about them.



Happy Fucking Birthday Christian!


Bec Hoath

PayPal would have been an easier option.



Legend. January birthday months rule.



A great cause, and you make it such fun to check Facebook.


Kym Oakley



Happy Birthday 🥳



Happy bloody birthday you wonderful man! I teach teenagers and have a stockpile of supplies in my drawer that students can help themselves to, but I don’t teach everyone. This helps al those girls who fall through the cracks and I love you even more for supporting it.



Happy birthday Christian! I've been following you last 5 years. You're an amazing person!



Happy Birthday Christian and thanks for the chat and pic in Noosa - you are my fave Aussie Comedian. Lisa ( Yorkshire Lass)


Bron Raymond

Happy fuckin birthday , a bit late but better late than never ! Now I’ll fuck off ! 🤣


Cynny Nicol

Good job Christian, certainly a great cause. Happy birthday




Steph Ogle





Krystal H

Not wishing you a Happy Birthday, as per your feelings on birthdays. I'm glad you were born!


Jessica Storm

Happy Birthday. Pleased to help someone use their platform to help others.


Leonora Seaton

You’re a bloody legend!




Stephanie Rogan

Happy Birthday Christian! And what a brilliant cause, bravo!


Sheree Munusami

You are a fabulous ambassador! Thank you x


Bailey Fam

F*ck Off!





You are amazing


Jo Hocking


Fiona Hatchard

Happy birthday you gorgeous little fucker !



Here's to you birthday twin and all the bloody great work you do raising awareness for Share The Dignity



This is an amazing cause and I’m so glad as a male you’ve taken this on! Help break period stigma!



birthday review podcast pleeeeease


Vicki Tee

Happiest of birthdays, your such an amazing guy for all the hard work you do. 🥳🥳


Jo Love

Happy Birthday! Love your work and a brilliant cause :)


Brigitte Yates


Barb Thompson

Happy Birthday Fuck Face Now fuck off and have a good birthday Barb


Simone C

Happy Birthday - what a generous way to celebrate!


Kirsty Ackerman

Happy Birthday Christian. What an incredible human being you are. I adore you. Now Fuck Off xx




Miss Amy Bonnici


Deanne Evans

You are amazing



Happy Birthday Christian!! 💜💜💜💜💜


James Kane

This is such a worthy cause!


Kelly Yardley

Happy Birthday to you @kate_cirillo



Happy Birthday Christian! I love this! Your so amazing! Xx


Anne Brown

Love your work


Melanie Stevenson

Happy birthday you absolute, glorious human ❤


Kristy Dalberg

F$*k Off 😊✌


Jeanette Coles

Happy birthday Christian. Best wishes always ❤️









Happy Birthday Christian, love your work! Have a fabulous day, followed by an awesome year! Just to show that not all "karen's" are horrible ;)



Your amazing Christian ❤🥳❤🥳❤


Tiffany Laurie


Ivy Gardiner


Fiona G

Happy birthday, a truly legendary gesture and a great way to kick off 2021



Happy Bloody Birthday Christian! Love your work ❤️


Maddy Edye

HFBD Christian 🥳 Love your work. x


Lynette Dickfos

I am donating on behalf of my husband on the 3rd, myself on the 14th and my son on the 23rd 😀 Happy Birthday Christian!


Emma Nash

Get fucked 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕👌👈



Happy Birthday Christian! This is an amazing cause.


Maria Cocco

Hi Christian you never fail to put a smile on my face l would like to donate in my mother’s name Maria she passed away 4 weeks now was feeling sad but a few minutes watching you warmed my heart all the best l hope you raise enough money ❤️😘


Bree Herrick

Happy Birthday Christian! Thanks for all the laughs


Diana Bozzetto

Happy birthday Christian!


Shannae Saltner


Tania Sayasith

Legend! Happy Birthday Month


Alli Pollard

Happy Birthday!



Well fuck it!!! You successfully managed to motivate me to donate. Well done, you fucking legend! Happy Birthday fucker, xx



Happy birthday you big beautiful guy. You make me laugh so much and for doing this campaign, well all I can say is THANK YOU 🙏🏻. Now fuck off 😜


Kelly E

I also live in Brisbane so here is your official invitation to be my friend. I can make a basic cheese board and am fairly average at Chess. I am impartial to movie dates. I look forward to our impending friendship. Sincerely, your BFF (date TBA)



Share the Dignity do exceptional work Australia wide.


Olivia Leonard

Love this! Thanks for being a voice for women who experience period poverty!






Happy birthday! Today is my partner’s birthday too, so I’m donating for both his, and your birthday, brilliant cause, always.


Donna Veltmeyer

An amazing person raising money for an amazing cause. Suport it at my college with the students every year. Thank you for being you x


Jenny Jeffery

Love your work Christian. Thanks for your efforts! xx


Maureen Gilbert

Love your work Christian



Happy birthday Christian! Love your work and Share the Dignity!🤗💕




Erin Broughton

Happy Birthday you beautiful human. Thank you for the years of light and laugh you've offered and for organising this beautiful cause xx


Reed & Bee


Kim Smith

Fuck off. We have the same birthday month. Capricorns are the best.


Fiona Collins


Mel Henderson


Shezza From South Aus

Christiannnn! You, my main flamingo... You slap arse with a thong! Raisin' dollars for girls who need their monthly protection from Aunty Flow, but can't afford it... You. Are. Amazing!!! Keep up with the hard work you do... One day I'm sure you'll be prime minister for our beautiful country! Hey, if Trump and ScoMo can get in, you'll have no issues because you're so much better than those toss bags. Ooroo kiddo!


Lynne Brook Uk

You're an amazing man fighting for an amazing cause. We need this in the UK. Have as great a birthday month as these ladies will have periods. Bless you darling xxx


Suzanne Williams

Great work Christian. My thoughts are with a fave uncle who will celebrate his birthday next Saturday, the day after celrbrating the life and passing of his beautiful wife of many years. RIP Aunty Pat



Happy birthday!


R Millard

Have a brilliant birthday you bloody legend. Get f@cked xx



Happy birthday Christian, fabulous cause😍😍


Sue Goodhew

Happy icky birthday! Great cause xx


Paul Brant

Love your work Buddy!


Olivia Harrison - Ium Australia

Such an amazing campaign to get behind, thank you for your hard work!


Kate Gardam


Anneke Van Lier

I did this for my birthday 🥳 in November I was able to raise just over $700 and I was so so so proud of family and friends for donating! I suffered from an illness that really effected the amount of products I had to buy I was spending half my pay on pads and at times would have to go hunting for change to buy them. It was a horrible time and I can not imagine how horrific it would be not having an income at all and dealing with endometriosis 1 in 10 ! Your doing amazing job thank you thank you xx


Linda Junie

Happy Birthday from Melbourne xx


Jane Bonney

Happiest of Birthdays to you! Hope its a good year for you, funny fuck!


Eden Campbell




Christine Dean


Hailey G

Thanks for supporting women!


On Behalf Of Kristy Lee Price

Love that you are promoting this. Xxxxx


Alice Bianchi

Happy birthday Christian! You always make me laugh and this is such a great cause. Glad that Share the Dignity have you in their corner! &lt;3



Happy Birthday! What a wonderful cause! Thank you for putting your 'fame'- to great use! Love your videos!


Kelly Crout

Happy birthday month! 🤮 🤮


Cheryl Small

Good on you Christian. You're a bloody legend. We love you


Stephanie Ryan


Kylie Breaden

Happy birthday Christian for whenever it is and I absolutely love that you're doing this for women. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Naomi Dale

Happy birthday!! Key to the door .... etc x You're doing great things, hope you're proud and enjoying each new adventure.


Jana Higgins

Happy Birth Month! Love the idea, and love Your videos and all the shit posting on FB 👌🏼 . 🐨🥳🐨




Loree Gillett

A wonderful idea!!!! A retired teacher xx


Kate Lander

Happy Birthday. Great cause you are supporting ❤


Carly Deutscher

Happy Birthday and thanks for bringing Share the Dignity to my attention!


Karen Turrell


Pauline Ross

Happy Birthday, wow... do your 'worst' for this cause.... you will be brilliant, its $30 a month from me


Tamara Wilson

Love that you are an ambassador for this amazing charity. Happy Birthday month!



Go forth on ones birthday and fuck ye offeth 🥳



You are an awesome human Christian. Thank you.


Ann Elizabeth

Happy F****** Birthday Christian. Enjoy your celebration and congratulations on your amazing life achievements to date. The best thing about birthdays are eating really good birthday cake and lots of it. Great cause because it’s time to end period poverty.


Lyn Fairlie

Happy Birthday Christian! Thanks for being an advocate for this terrific cause!


Nas Kumar

Happy birthday Christian. Fantastic cause to be apart of! Have a fab day! x


Amy Russell


Kristen Powell

Happy Birthday month!!!! And thanks for getting behind this great cause!!! It's my birthday month too and I reminded my partner of that fact first thing this morning😆🙌🎉






Gina Westin

Happy Birthday thanks for the laughs you amazing big hearted human 🥰





Happy bloody Birthday


Sandi Sharman


Catherine Cook


Carol Clarke

Happy Birthday Christian!


Sophie Phillips

Happy Birthday, Christian 🥳 Such a worthy cause.- happy to donate 🤗


Michaela Martisova

Happy Birthday Christian! Wish you all the best 🤗



Thanks for raising awareness and money for this awesome initiative.




Melissa Antill

Happy Birthday!


Katrina S

Happy birthday Christian!! A wonderful cause. Thank you for making us laugh and giving back to those less fortunate ❤️


Renee De Crespigny

Hey Christian, thanks for doing this! Happy Birthday ya Freakin' legend!


Barbara James

Happy Birthday Christian ❤️


Mel Trent

Happy Birthday you fabulous guy. End period poverty!




Linda Matsen



Such a fab idea. Happy Birthday.



Thank you Christian for your fundraiser! Such a great way to support young girls and women x



I hate my birthday too, but this is fabulous!



You're fab, as is this cause! Cheers!





Fuck off period poverty



Happy Birthday 🥳 Such an awesome idea for a wonderful cause




Kylee Rennie

Such a great cause. Hope you had a great birthday!


Jocelyn Farquhar

Happy Birthday Christian! Thank you for all that you do and just being you ❤️


Angela Harper

Happy Birthday 🥳




Denae O'donoghue

As a mum of 3 girls this is amazing! Thank you for being such a wonderful person! &lt;3



Happy birthday



Happy Birthday Christian! 👑


Karen Berg

Happy Bloody Birthday Christian.


Samantha Andersen

Happy birthday Christian xx


Tracey Manning

A worthy cause! Well done


Veronica Travers

Miss Mack, this is your birthday present.



Happy birthday month fellow Capricorn! Mine is coming up on January 8! I’ve run to raise money for Share the Dignity in the past - this is a much easier option so thank you!!!



Shut up and take my money!


Georgina J


Jacinta Smith

thank you for continually supporting such a great cause for women and having empathy to their plight in light of the monthly devil. love you! x




Stacey Merz

You are amazing!


Melita Chambers

Happy Birthday!


Penny Carroll

Fantastic fundraiser. Thanks for all the enjoyment you provide :)



HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHRISTIAN!!!! Also big Happy Birthday to my Mum Karen!!!


Jaclyn Barron

Love the idea of helping women. Also happy birthday who isn't obsessed with their birthday


Rebekah Alhussainy

All I can spare, but shared as well. Hope you meet your goal! Thank you for supporting this cause that wouldn’t even benefit you. U rock


Melita Gard

I bloody love you, hope you have a bloody great birthdayxx


Jody Pearce

Happy birthday & fuck off


Julie Dendle

Happy birthday Christian!



A perfect way to start a new year for an awesome charity! Happy Birthday Christian, you truly are a beautiful human being Xxx


Paula Peppe

Happy Birthday "21st" Birthday Christian. Enjoy telling people to fuck off for your entire birthday month and beyond. Love the work that you do especially for this wonderful cause.



What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday!


Vanessa Phillips

Happy Birthday Christian! Thank you for supporting women everywhere with such an amazing cause, best Ambassador ever!!! I’m sure you will smash your goal of $20,000 out of the park, making January 2021 a month for the record books! ⭐️⭐️💕



Happy Birthday Month you amazing human!!



Happy Birthday month legend. Thank you for helping make so many people smile! Xo


Leonie Bromham



Happy Fucking Birthday month to us!!


Megan Drummond

Happy belated birthday ya bloody legend! Thanks for the laughs and showing you care xx



Happy birthday you legend you. Love your work and this fundraiser is awesome!



This is a great idea! So great to be able to give to those in need what shouldnt be a privilege to buy but a right to have. Love that your doing this!



Happy Birthday month to us!



Happy Birthday month to you!





Thank you for sharing this important initiative.


Karen Lilley

Hey Christian. You have come such a long way since St Therese School Denistone....your mum and dad are undoubtedly very proud of you. Happy to support this worthy cause. Well done!



Happy Birthday! I love that you’re doing this. Good luck xx



Happy Birthday Christian. You’re a fucking gem.


Mel King

It’s so great to see you supporting a brilliant cause. As a high school teacher I have seen many girls struggle with period poverty and have always helped where I can. I love that Share the Dignity are working to make a very real difference in the lives of girls and women. Happy birthday Christian and thank you for your tireless work in all that you do. You are an amazing ambassador and all-round human!



Happy birthday Christian for 6th Jan 🎉. Fantastic cause. Well done ✌🌟🌈💙


Natalie Long


Rachael Lunsmann

I dedicate my offering for shark week supplies money in honour of my work-wife, Queen Skank Romanna’s 40th B’day this month. Nobody should have to go without !


Kerryn D

Happy Birthday!!!!


Natascha Curle

Happy Birthday xo


Renee Geoghegan

Happy 21st Christian, great job



Love your work x


J Bement

Happy Birthday Christian! The "odd" $24 amount is in honor of my son's 24th birthday today (the 8th). Just love January "babies". I hope your birthday was a good one!!



Happy Birthday, thanks for making this your birthday present ❤️


Sheree Arnel

Happy Birthday Christian. Love the message you are sharing for Share the Diginity for your birthday month.



You better still have lots of birthday cake....... I turned 35 last week and didn’t get a cake! Wtf?! Happy birthday Christian Definitely a worthy cause



Happy birthday! What a great idea!


Katherine Wenting

Happy Birthday!


Brooke Ryan

Such a worthy cause! Happy birthday Christian u funny fuck


Cedar Warren

Great Initiative Christian. You have a good & funny heart. Go to needafuck.com Happy Birthday- Stop Period Poverty!!


Suzanne Crawley

Happy birthday!!


Elaine Peut

Happy Birthday 💃🥂🥳💓





Tina H

You are such an amazing person for doing this for your birthday. Wishing you an amazing birthday month and I hope you reach your goal!!!





Nina Caltabiano

Happy birthday legend 🎉


Ella Grumont

This such a great cause. You are doing an amazing job. Happy belated birthday.



Happy Birthday great way to celebrate your birthday


Kirsten :)




Bianca Nuku

Happy Birthday month Christian!!! Mines in the 12th and it will be my first day back at work so I will literally want to tell EVERYONE to fuck right off on my birthday, I’ll have my fuck off pendant ready!


Deb Moore

Love you your hilarious Doing amazing things HB My birthday month too ♥️🎂




Christina Popovski


Candice Mccartney

Happy Birthday to my favourite comedian and fellow Capricorn. Love your work Christian!


K North


Kylie Sherwood

No my birthday, but celebrating getting a divorce from a knob jockey. Happy Birthday


Kyra M

Happy birthday Christian! Such a great cause!


Cath Lambley

Happy birthday!! You are amazing!!


Shannon Ryland


Christie Hardy

Happy Birthday month! It’s also my birthday month too but I’m about to turn.... 21 (I wish) and it’s depressing so let’s keep that on the downlow, shall we? Lol 💜


Tara O’shea

Legend 🙌


Karen Edwards

Thank you for allnyour work Christian. Such a worthy cause- happy birthday 🎂 🥳


Rose B

Happy Birthday! Thanks for using your platform to do such wonderful things for people. Periods are awful things to deal with, even when you have the money for sanitary supplies. I can’t imagine someone going through it without the necessary products. Hope this small donation helps!





🥳 HBD!





Happy Birthday


Georgina Russell-gibson


Kathryn Wesley

Happy Birthday Christian xoxoxo


Judith Keays

30 ha ha ha! Keep up your great work!


Amanda Koop




Berh Richard

Thanks for being a top bloke (not to mention super funny) and supporting such a fantastic cause 💕🌸





Sam Beck

Love that you are behind this cause! Every week during my usual shop I buy pads and tampons for them. I currently have a cupboard full for March. Lots of important birthdays are in Jan, my husbands included! Rock your birthday month!


Azaria H


Lisa Pumfrey

I’m donating on behalf of my beautiful friend Ashli Watson! It’s her birthday this month so instead of buying her a gift. I’m donating to share the dignity! If I can help one person that would mean so much to me. I really hope you make it to your goal! I love following you 😘


Peta Chaplin

I turn 21 on the 10th of January happy birthday to everyone who’s birthday is in January



Happy Birthday gorgeous, have a wonderful day. 💜💜💜


Belinda Davino

Happy January Birthday Brooke Duardo


Alice Shepherd

Happy birthday! Also you’re bloody amazing!


Rachael Watson



Happy Birthday Christian! You Rock! 🥰Hahe a fabulous Birthday. 🥳🎉🥂


Crystal Smith-johnson


Stacie (the Hermit) Ross

Happy Birthday you Funny F*ck! Sending sarcasm and a strong dislike for others from Canada!


Anna Sweeney



Happy awesome birthday to ya buddy. Thanks for improving 2020 for us all. Now we'll expect your talets constantly 🥰🙃


Bron Burrows

Happy birthday! Mines tomorrow - woohoo Love this cause and thanks for sharing x



Always happy to support the only good STD. Happy Birthday! 🎂💕🎉


Leah Cannon


Samantha Brown

Happy Birthday Month





Happy Birthday


Emily Pitkin

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH! ❤️ My birthday is on January 3rd. I love that you chose to support this cause.



HB 💕


Tammy Lawler

Bloody good idea mate. Soz it’s not more!




Elizabeth Bretag

Happy beeday! Great cause


Eliza Paschke

HB baby cakes. You’re a good boy ❤️



Happy fucking birthday! Such a bloody brilliant cause. ❤️


Dianne Bowyer


Stephanie Grigg

Happy birthday month Christian, it's my birthday month too!! I love Share the Dignity's work and it's so exciting to see you working with them ❤


Olivia Charlton


Josie Tresize

My 2 teenage sons are making this donation because they get that everyone deserves to feel dignified, not shamed or embarrassed. Thanks Christian for leading the pack. #legends



Awesome job


Bianca Brain








Amanda Bee


Shelley Simon

Happy birthday such an amazing way to celebrate.


Janelle Cashman


Natalie Newberry


Leanne Zeroni

Well done for using your profile to raise funds for a great cause. Proud to share my birthday with you (6 Jan).


Nadsy Bee

This is amazing! It’s my birthday today and I wanted to give something back. So, this is for the ladies out there who don’t have the means to purchase the necessary products xx love you Christian x


Katie Bull

Happy birthday, keep on doing what you do. You are great.



Happy Birthday Christian! Thanks for bringing this cause to my attention. 👏👍



I've opted for monthly donations of $20. Such a good thing to be promoting!! Keep up the awesome work Christian!



Happy Birthday! Awesome cause! Thank you for making me laugh every day! xxx



What a philanthropic gesture to do for your birthday. Love it



Happy Anniversary of Your Birth!!



Happy Birthday Legend. ❤❤❤



Happy 21st Christan! A worthy charity, thank you for being involved!



You are one of the worlds best people ❤️



Amazing cause


Rowena Quintanilla




Kirsty K

Love love love you and this!




Grant Corin





Happy Fucking Birthday!! Share the Dignity is such a great cause.


Vivien Wood

Thank you for helping end period poverty! Happy B’day!


Rebecca Rowland

Happy birthday, birthday twin! Thank you for using your birthday to help other people.



F.O 💚


Holly T

I was really concerned $30 was the lowest donation and I’m poor AF but really wanted to help, thank goodness it wasn’t and now I can feel like a good person for a day knowing I donated. Love you so much Christian x



Thanks so bloody much! ♡


Phoenix Moon

I love you, your so funny and always be yourself 🥰



I fucking love you!!! Thank you for doing this!!!


Suzie M

Happy Birthday Month Christian! I am donating my last pennies for this cause because I support you and this charity 100%. I may have a broken ankle and can’t work right now, but this is totally worth it. Enjoy your birthday!!



Happy fucking Birthday Christian


Maria Montana

Happy birthday! I hope you hit your target!


Jen Webb

May all your cramps be small ones! Happy birthday


Kerry Furner

Help give all girls/women the dignity they deserve. Good on you Christian. Worthy cause . Every cent counts😊👌🏻🙌🏻



Such a great cause!


Elivia Wedge

Happy FUCK OFF Birthday! Your awesome!


Kimberley Maidment



You bloody legend of a human 🥰


Celina Wood

Bloody awesome cause. Now f**k off!!!



I grew up in state care; and spent time homeless as a young teen as I struggled through my VCE if I had access to these in my school I probably wouldn’t have had to use toilet paper to make pads because I had choose between eating and pads. Awesome Movement Choice!!!


Krystle Rowland

Happy birthday month Christian! Thank you for keeping us all laughing throughout the shitty year that was 2020 ❤️




Emily Hanson



Danielle Carson

Your the best Christian 💕 Amazing to all band together helping to make life a little less stressful...as it should be xxxx



Happy birthday Christian! Thanks for supporting this great cause


Bec H

You’re a freaking legend Christian!! Love you!!


Karen J

Happy birthday Christian and well done on supporting this charity. Amazing work they do.



Happy birthday 🖕


Nicola Jordan

Thank you so much for making me laugh with your paint colour and 5 minute craft videos, and for taking donations for such an important matter. Happy Birthday all the way from the UK!! :)



Have a great birthday month x



Seeing as it’s my birthday this month and I don’t give a f@ck about bday. Have donated instead



Happy birthday beautiful xo



Happy Birthday! What a great way to celebrate :)


Mandy G

Fuck your good. Great cause! Happy Birthday!!


Sarah P

Thank you and happy birthday



happy birthday CHRISTIAN! You're such an amazing human!!! okay now f off😂


Helen Thomas

Happy Birthday funny man! Hope you get some shutthefuckupcakes to celebrate 🥰



Happy birthday! I’ll donate more next week ❤️


Michelle Grose

Happy birthday, you glorious human! In English, we would say that you are ‘The dogs bollocks’ (meaning awesome), but in Welsh, we say, ‘Disglerio fel ceilliau ci’. Which directly translates to ‘Shining like a dogs testicles’. In all seriousness, thank you for bringing this wonderful stuff to the forefront. Such an amazing thing will help so many girls. 💕💕


Emma Bean

Happy birthday mate. Thanks for all you do promotions this cause and, well, everything xx



On the day the UK finally abolished tampon tax it seemed appropriate to make a small donation. Great cause Christian, I also have a birthday in January the worst bloody month for a birthday so again seems apt!


Sara Frasier

This is such a great thing you are doing!



I'm fucking broke but I'm a proud Shero 🙌🙌🙌


Genna S

Fuck off fucker. Happy fucking birthday fellow fuckin January baby.


Melissa Hansen

Happy Fucking "Fuck Off" Birthday!!!! Thank you for being aware of the menstrual cycle of women, and that they may not be able to afford the sanitary napkins/tampons. You truly rock. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! FROM FERNLEY NEVADA USA


Ra Kamo

Happy birth month! Love your work xx



Such a wonderful cause. Well done you!


Tenielle Hunt




Kimmy Johnson

Happy birthday babe, its all I have as have to move but did 2 dignity packs at bunnings when ran. Great cause. Im past that thanks to menopause hehe but understand the need x


Rachael Sukumar

Happy birthday!!



happy birthday xx you make a great ambassador



Sorry it's not much. Happy birthday




Jess Divito

This is such a great cause Keep! Keep being the fabulous person you are!




Nett Mccormick

Happy Birthday Christian! I was about to go and buy icecream as I am hungover AF, but this is a way better use of my $$$.


Rikki Cherry

Thank you for being a brilliant human. You've brought a lot of joy into my 2020. This is a great (and much needed) cause. Why sanitary items for people with vaginas aren't just readily available is abaurd. Anyway, it's not much, I'm out of work again, but it's what I got. Happy birthday!


Ebony Woods


Harmony Nolan

Happy birthday i know its not much but im gald to help as a woman I feel this things like that need to free or more Accessible enjoy your 21st



Fantastic idea! Happy Birthday Christian. You're a legend.



Happy Birthday Christian! Thank you for using your influence to positively impact so many lives. 💕



Its my birthday month to. 🥳 happy birthday Christian.


Babs M

Nearly there!


Alex Allen

Get fucked this is a great cause!! xo


Rebecca Monish

This is a great cause. And it's about time this is acknowledged for us women. Thank you Christian Hull.


Sherlyn Selma

Happy Birthday 🥳





Wish I had your fame because then I would have raised more than $120 for bowel cancer awareness in December..



Thank you for all that you do for young girls and women who can't afford these simple necessities. I'll be making a monthly contribution for the amount I would've spent (just had a hysterectomy), it's not much but U hope it helps xx



I believe in birthday month 😃 I’m very happy you are supporting this cause. Thank you.


Deanne Barnes





An amazing cause to get behind.


Lena P.

January is my birthday month too, the 9th! Happy birthday!


Sarah, Bella, Madi

Happy birthday Christian! I think this is amazing have a fab day



You’re a legend! Excellent cause, good on you.





Happy birthday


Maryanne Carroll







Margaret Gacki


Portia Midford

Enjoy your '21st' birthday 🎂


Marie Valvo





We need to stand together in these times more then ever 💕 I absolutely love this idea


Emma Ryan

Happy Birthday Month Christian 🥳 Thanks for all the laughs and FO energy through 2020!


Zey Uzuntas



Love you Christian! It looks like you should add another zero to your goal. You’ve hit half in no time at all. Was just thinking about donating supplies to our local “food bank” here in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. So glad I could support your effort as well. Keep up the incredible videos! Love Dani


Emily Alexandra



Happy upcoming birthday Christian! I and I’m sure many others appreciate you being a spokesperson for this charity. If I could give more, I would. I did donate bags that were filled with goodies in November also as my heart sank thinking about these poor women and girls. Xxx








Happy Birthday!!



Happy birthday Christian 😍 F*ck off


Laura Nolan

I am disabled and share the dignity helped me when I was homeless after childhood abuse, I can't donate much but I will do what I can to help you and share the dignity x



Happy birthday! You are amazing. Your videos make my day better.


Dianne Halstead-ferguson

Just because you asked!


Kimberley Blackett

Thank you for changing the world for the better Christian. HBD. F.O 😊 XOXO


Lina Karlsson



Happy bloody birthday!


Tay Paige

Happy Birthday! It’s my 27th B’day on the 29th Jan 🤘




Allison Voigt


Lynette May

Thank you for supporting Women & Girls, hugs for an awesome year


Scotteh Sheckler

It’s not much but I hope it helps someone in need. Happy Birthday Christian. F.O. &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


Hayley Westgate


Jess Farmer



Thanks Christian happy birthday!



Get F^^^^^ C**t ha


Mandi Smart

Happy Birthday Christian! I’m pledging $5 each month as I have one of those snazzy Mirena’s and am sooooo thankful that it has stopped my period dramas - so the money I used to spend on sanitary items should help someone else not have a period drama!



Have an Eggcellent Birthday xx Eggburto0


Kacey Sinardi



Happy Birthday mate! What a great cause




Fo Bloody Cu*$

Donating on behalf of my husband who’s birthday is the very last day of January and is being nothing but an absolute bloody cu*% today so I thought donating to such a great cause was very fitting!


Mitchell East

Happy Birthday Christian . I know my donation isn’t much but I hope it helps


Chelsea Dawson

Fuck off, it's your birthday 😳 Have a fucking amazing day.



Send boxes to female sports teams, provide all sizes. Sports bras needed in all sizes too...maybe if another company can be included in the dignity package...it can help so many.