I'm helping women and girls in need
For the last 7+ years (since 18 October 2015 to be exact), I've engaged in a daily practice of Talmud learning known as daf yomi. I'm currently learning the final tractate of the Talmud (niddah) which focuses on the subjects of menstruation and childbirth. I wanted my learning to have a practical and contemporary application and am hosting this fundraiser to help women and girls in need across Australia.
All funds raised from our event will help provide free period products to those in need.
About Share the Dignity
Share the Dignity works to make a real, on the ground difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness, fleeing domestic violence, or doing it tough. They distribute period products to those in need and work to end period poverty here in Australia.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Kezik Pty Ltd

Jasmin Streimer

Mazal Tov. Truly inspirational!!!

Ruth And Peter Crossley
Great going Pau!

Maron Family
Mazel tov Paul - great achievement and cause!

Antonia Milner
Mazal tov!

Nathalie Samia
Mazel tov, Paul! What an incredible achievement. We’re so pleased to share this significant milestone with you. Also, to support this great charity.

Zwarenstein Family
Yasher Ko'ach!!

David Knoll Am
Mazal tov, Paul. An honour to be able to assist. May you and the women you are supporting go from strength to strength.

Zuzana Ezekiel
Mazal Tov Paul! What an amazing achievement. We are all proud of you. Arie&Zuzana

Family Levin-kahn
Kol hakavod for the staying power, determination, curiosity and initiative. Great traits to take you onwards and upwards…

Justin And Joelle
Congratulations! Wonderful achievement and important cause.

Keren Miller
Mazal tov

Allison Conyer
Kol Ha'Kevod! You are an inspiration in so many ways.

Eisner Family
Mazaltov Paul! What an achievement. And what a sensitive and meaningful choice of charities. You are a great example. Xx

Conescu Spizer Family
Mazel Tov, Paul, and thank you for supporting such a worthy cause.

Ramona And Oliver Freedman
Dear Paul, we are so inspired by your learning and so proud of the achievements of your dear family!

Eitan And Sylvia Franklin And Family
Mazal tov Paul on a great achievement of finishing your first cycle of the Talmud. May Hashem bless you with many more years of quality learning.

Bolot Family
Mazaltov, Paul, on such an impressive achievement! I can’t imagine having the commitment to do something every day for over 7 years! Enjoy your celebration x

Gittel & Adrian Mueller
Mazal tov on your achievement and to raising money for such a worthy cause!

Meskin Family
Mazal Tov Paul on your huge achievement! You are an inspiration to all of us!

David Glasser
Mazal Tov Paul Ruth and David send their love and best wishes.

Kathy E
Mazel tov Paul !

Leora Allen
Such an achievement!!! So amazed by your commitment and thank you for recognising the importance of this charity xx

Shira Sebban

Ariella And Ricky Roth
Mazal tov Paul! And what a wonderful charity to choose to support in recognition of your achievement. Well done.

Alex Kats
Well done Paul!

Kim Gotlieb
Mazal & Bracha. From Kim
Hannah, Emme and I could not be prouder of you. You never fail to inspire, challenge and teach us on this journey of life we share together. We love you and cannot wait to celebrate you and your learning with our family and friends ❤️