Our Mission:

Ensuring that everyone is afforded the dignity in life that so many of us take for granted.

We aim to bring dignity to women, girls and those who menstruate who are experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, and period poverty through the distribution of period products.

Our Key Pillars

For Share The Dignity, having our four key pillars helps better define our purpose, values, and identity for continued growth.

Pillar One - People

Our People

Respect, value, invest, support.

Pillar Goals

Ensure our volunteers and staff have the resources and training to delivery our services.

Attract and retain people.

Pillar Two - Sustainability


Agile, savvy and responsible.

Pillar Goals

Establish a sustainability fund to ensure dignity in the future.

Broaden income streams from social enterprises.
Pillar Three - Connections


Community, authentic, partners.

Pillar Goals

Maintain, improve and expand corporate partnerships.

Grow our supporter base.

Pillar Four - Impact


Meet the Needs

Pillar Goals

Increase period product distribution to those in need.

Provide education on menstruation to all.

Ensure that remote indigenous women have no barriers to basic hygiene needs.